Burnout is costing you millions.


Today’s employees, especially parents, are burnt out. Burn out across the board is costing your company money and effectiveness. Offering parent strategy sessions alleviates stressors and gives your employees the tools they need to be effective at home and at work.


Give your employees the tools to be consistent, decisive, and effective — at home and at work.



graphs showing payroll turnover costs and new parent employee turnover


Why do my employees need parent strategies?

In order to have a healthy work and home balance, employers are turning to experts to advise their employees with programs that offer work-life balanced solutions. As a pediatric neuropsychologist, Dr. Sarah offers brain-based strategies for working parents to support them in their ever-changing work and home life with children.

  • Support for new & veteran parents

  • Programs to reduce stress & burnout

  • Builds confidence & reduces turnover

  • Improves productivity & engagement


What does parent strategy offer to my company?

Your employees have high expectations at home and at work. Without the right tools, they will fail to keep up with the demands of parenting and their job, leading to burnout and turnover. Employers have the opportunity to provide training and support through parent coaching that enables high performance, happiness, and effectiveness. It pays to care about your employees’ wellbeing and personal development.

According to the National Women’s Law Center, over 2.3 million women left the workforce in 2021 citing job loss and childcare.

How do parent strategy sessions help?

  • rocket ship icon in blue

    Boost Confidence

    We help parents create an efficient and effective parenting plan (just like you do at work!). Parents boost their confidence by setting clear expectations and goals.

  • math symbols in blue

    Problem Solving

    We teach parents effective coping skills and problem-solving that foster conflict resolution and healthy relationships. This process reduces stress at home and work.

  • group in a triangle icon in blue

    Team Modeling

    We mimic the work team model at home by providing parent coaching around multitasking, communication skills, and productivity.


Here to Help

Dr. Sarah is a pediatric neuropsychologist with 15 years of clinical experience. She helps parents understand how their children’s brain development affects their behavior. As your Brain Gal, she uses applied brains science to help parents develop strong personal relationships at home and at work!

dr sarah allen with her child discussing raising brains

“I ask any employer, who would you rather walk through your door each morning? The employee who was rushed, stressed, and distracted? Or the employee who arrives on time with a peaceful attitude after an effortless school drop-off?”

 Learn more about parent strategy sessions as an employee benefit by reaching out to us today.