Is your family on your team?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re the only person in the house who cares about putting stuff back where it belongs, picking up whatever is left on the ground, or replacing the toilet paper rolls?

As the holidays are getting closer, I sat down with my 2 kids, my partner, Kevin and his 2 kids and said “You know, the holidays are coming up and I know I will get stressed with having so much to do. I really need extra help to get through the holidays. Here are some things that need to get done, can you help with this (share a list)?” Some kids helped with cookies, some helped with wrapping, and some gave gift ideas. We made a plan together!

 When we know and understand each other's goals, then we'll be able to support each other in meeting those goals as a family! Like my mom always said, “Get on the same boat and row in the same direction!”

How exactly do you build a “team”?

Now go and find yourself a Team Murphy like Meaghan Murphy, author of Your Fully Charged Life. In the podcast below, one of the things we discussed is how each family member needs to step up and do our part as members of the same team. Throw out the hierarchy of parents on top and kids at the bottom; even kids as young as 2 can be helpful, so help each other out!


How to get your kids to be “response-able”?


Free play, fights, and screen time…what do these things have in common?